Espacio de desahogo, inspiracion, diversion e informacion... Whatever comes to mind, read at your own risk!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am 25 years old...

Oficialmente desde el Lunes 4 de Diciembre tengo 25 años de edad. I am getting old!!

My birthday was off to a slow start, I didn't do anything at all over the weekend.
However, on my birthday everything was amazing.

I woke up to find a gift from my husband on the living room table. It was a watch, very feminine and cute, but the best thing was the note he left... Loved it!

When I got to work, my girls had also done their part to make my day special. Keska left a beautiful teddy bear and a card on my chair. Emilia had put post it over my monitor wishing me a happy birthday and asking me if I didn't wish to be 21 like her... yeah, right!!

On my lunch hour Emy took me to lunch... Chipotle is always welcome!!
When I got back Keskola gave me yet another gift; Grey's Anatomy season 1 DVD!!!! Woooohooooo!!
After that Karryne gave me an-awesome-smelling lotion the cutest lip gloss set (which Emolia keeps borrowing) and a whole bunch of Hershey kisses.

Not to be out done Sasha a.k.a Sashola got some Entenmanns cake and the whole department sang happy birthday to me!

After work my daughters came home with a cake... yummy! And my hubby-dubby took me out to dinner.

A great day, made even better by the people who really love me!

Thank you guys.


KG said...

Yes you are!!!!! You're a quarter century's that for sounding old!!!!Join the club....and you are welcome!