Espacio de desahogo, inspiracion, diversion e informacion... Whatever comes to mind, read at your own risk!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ok, the mood has improved significantly. My night at The Garden was great. The Knicks won, our seat were awesome, right on the floor, I couldn't wish for better company... it was just perfect. After the game, rain and all, we did a little shopping (mind you it was 11:30 p.m.), kissed like teenagers while waiting for the train (it has been ages since I rode the subway with my honey) basically had a blast.

Our girls were spending the night with some relatives so we were in no rush. Good times.

Today, I cleaned, did laundry, the usual. After, went to find 'something' to wear (really, anything, I don't care) luckily had my cousin help me out so it was pretty quick.

Unfortunately, I have NOT finished my Xmas shopping yet. I am missing 1 present for a 3 year old girl... anyone??

Friday, December 22, 2006


And No, I have not finish my Xmas shopping... And your point is??
Crappy ass mood: ON

P.S. Going to see the Knicks at the Garden tonight, got great seats. Hopefully, that will help with the mood.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Just 'cause...


Almost forgot...

My boss is on vacation for the rest of the week!!! Bring on the fun!!


So, it is the day after my office's xmas party. Everyone is really quiet and tired (quien los mando a beber tanto) Yo por mi parte toy bien; el party empezo a las 4:00 p.m. and by 5:30 p.m. I was out! It was fun and all but I just didn't feel like being there.

I went home, my girls were waiting. I put away all the gifts I got a the office (Superman DVD, Tequila bottle, and a xmas quilt), changed my bathroom's curtains to the funkies xmas color my mom was able to find, I am doing my best to bring in the spirit it just hasn't hit me yet. Then we ate, and play for a little bit.

I know every parent thinks their kids are the prettiest, but my girls really are beautiful, smart and really fun to be around.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

No enough time, not nearly enough time

Ay Dios mio!! Hoy es Domingo 17 de Diciembre y fue mi primer dia de compras navideñas!!
That is definitely not good. Siempre digo 'el año que viene voy a salir de esto temprano', que va! siempre me quedo en las mismas y termino comprando mis ultimos regalitos el 24 por la tarde.

Este año por lo menos tengo una semana para terminar y envolver, espero avanzar lo mas posible durante la semana y no dejar todo para el ultimo momento...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This blog is officially in the Xmas spirit

From my family to yours... Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am 25 years old...

Oficialmente desde el Lunes 4 de Diciembre tengo 25 años de edad. I am getting old!!

My birthday was off to a slow start, I didn't do anything at all over the weekend.
However, on my birthday everything was amazing.

I woke up to find a gift from my husband on the living room table. It was a watch, very feminine and cute, but the best thing was the note he left... Loved it!

When I got to work, my girls had also done their part to make my day special. Keska left a beautiful teddy bear and a card on my chair. Emilia had put post it over my monitor wishing me a happy birthday and asking me if I didn't wish to be 21 like her... yeah, right!!

On my lunch hour Emy took me to lunch... Chipotle is always welcome!!
When I got back Keskola gave me yet another gift; Grey's Anatomy season 1 DVD!!!! Woooohooooo!!
After that Karryne gave me an-awesome-smelling lotion the cutest lip gloss set (which Emolia keeps borrowing) and a whole bunch of Hershey kisses.

Not to be out done Sasha a.k.a Sashola got some Entenmanns cake and the whole department sang happy birthday to me!

After work my daughters came home with a cake... yummy! And my hubby-dubby took me out to dinner.

A great day, made even better by the people who really love me!

Thank you guys.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

I am a Grey's Anatomy Addict!!
  • No pictures yet, my cousin (who has the camera) moved and is still in the process of finding the camera (nice packing).
  • Very stressful day at work today... It is just not worth it, nothing is. The new year will bring big changes in my life.
  • Today marks the beginning of my birthday weekend:
    • Was supposed to get an outfit -- couldn't do it.
    • Was supposed to get my hair done -- the weather and my animo were not up to it.
    • ... yeah, things are looking good...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ok, I'm sorry I don't have the pictures yet. I have been very busy.

Overall my holiday was pretty cool. We had a lot of family and friends over, we have A LOT of food, drinks and music. We eat like there was no tomorrow and then dance the night away.

Friday was clean up day, I wonder where were all of the guest from the party? No one showed up that day. LOL.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

One day early 'cause I know I won't have any time tomorrow...


Check after the holiday to find out how I spent the day... Come on! I'll have pictures!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Okay, okay. I took me a damn long time to come and tell you about that "Flushed away" movie. But you have to understand, I was on vacation!

The movie: Good stuff, can't deny it. My oldest daugther loved it. I laugh every now and then, found it entertaining. It's not "Shrek" but it's good.

Now the vacation, I didn't go away or anything. I spent the whole week with my family, my husband was on vacation too. Monday and Tuesday we spend the day doing home improvements, we painted the living room, hall and kitchen, clean (it shouldn't be such a bit deal but it is), change the window shade's, etc. It was definitely not wasted time, it was much needed work. We also managed to visit some family, and just hang out.

My favorite part of the week was on Thursday, we visited the Bronx Zoo. We loved it! Even Keila enjoyed it. We saw the polar bear, the lion, the leopard, giraffes, monkeys, and a whole bunch more of animals that I really don't know what the hell they were... It was a lot of walking but really fun. The best part was when we saw the reptiles, Karen was all excited and walking ahead of us when she came face to face with a fake crocodile (really big kind of metal thingy, really ugly) that girl got so scared, she put her hands on the air started screaming and ran right out the door, even the security guard was laughing.

Another favorite part was Friday, when FedEx delivered our new toy. A new Dell computer, a Dimension E520 with a 24" Wide screen monitor. Wohoo!! I really like this computer, however nothing can top the love between my baby and me. Mainly because I am the one that understands it the most, I am the one that is more interested in it. We are a long time Windows-user family. Now, all I need for my technology oriented happiness is to be fulfilled is my wireless router to be able to use my baby wherever I want.

Anyways, our time off was very useful. We have time to enjoy it as a family and improve our living environment.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Going to the movies

Well, right now I am off to see "Flushed Away" the animated movie. I'll let you know how it goes.


So, the company I work for has moved. You all know that by now. The new place is bigger and better, we got nicer desk, new chairs, everything is cool. With the moved everything changed including my commute. Before I used to take the #4 train all the way to 14st and then transfer to the #6 train one stop to Astor place, and I was there. Now I have to take the #4 train to 149st. then the #2 train to 14st. and then the #1 train to Houston st. to finally get there.

You might be thinking "stop your whining, you got a better space and just one extra train". If that's the case then you probably have NEVER been on the #2 train in rush hour. Dude, it is horrible, I mean when I take the train in the morning at the 149st. station I have to be literally on the edge on the platform to have a change at getting in. If I do get in then good luck finding a seat, it will never happen. You have to stand the whole way with people all over you. I mean, the are ALL over you! I always complained of the people who ride the #4 train but the idiots on the #2 are the worst. They are inconsiderate, selfish, rude and in many occasions smelly.

My ride home from work gets even worst. I don't take 3 trains to go back, I have to take 4!!

Yup, because after I have waited 10 minutes for the #1 train so I can get to 14st; once you are there it is impossible to get on a #2 train. Impossible! I am forced to take the #3 train to 96st and then hope that the #2 train coming behind has room, once I get on it I ride it back to 149st and then battle my beloved #4 train which is specially slow and crowded on this particular station.

Well there you have it, if you know anyone who may complain because they have to walk 3 blocks to work or have to ride a bus and a train; just printout or copy this post and give it to that ungrateful motherfucker!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

My girls on Halloween

The Pumpkin a.k.a Keila

Princess Cinderella a.k.a Karen

Karen & Keila

Vacaciones... en la casa

Empezando el Lunes 6 de Noviembre estoy de vacaciones por una semana. Desafortunadamente, no voy pa' palte. LOL. I had plans of just getting around the city, doing the things I always wanted to do and never had time for. I wanted to take the girls to the children's museum and to the zoo. My husband on the other hand, heard of my plans and made some of his own... He wants to paint our apartment... fun!!!

Anyways, I am hoping that maybe we can get around to do both, I want to take the girls to the museum on Tuesday, maybe we could paint in the morning and go to the museum in the afternoon. Let see how it works out. I also wanted to take my husband to eat at my favorites places downtown. Let's see how that one goes too.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 27, 2006


My fourth beer makes me want to write... maybe not the best idea.
I'm sitting in front of my computer in my living room, enjoying the company of Karen & Keila, my husband is sleeping in the other room... First sign things are not great today, we are not very happy at each other for a stupid situation... I'm sure it'll pass. Anyways, the worst part of it all is that I was stuck with these girls all day... and still am. Tomorrow... will be the same (sarcastic mode: ON) enjoying the company of my two beautiful girls (sarcastic mode: OFF)

The good news: I already cleaned my apartment (really cleaned, like under the couch and all of that) and did laundry... Tomorrow my only chore is lunch... Let's see how that one goes... I'll keep you posted.

P.S. How much did it suck when Grey's Anatomy turn out to be a repeat yesterday???

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Departed

I have been meaning to talk about this movie. Understand this, I am a movie fan, I go to the theater almost every week. I am open to watching pretty much anything, except horror movies. My philosophy is " I don't pay to be scared, I pay to be entertain".

I went to see "The Departed" with really high hopes, I had read the reviews and read every article; everything was telling me that this should be a good movie. I came up short, "good" doesn't even begin to describe it. It's the best movie I have seen in a long, long time.

Everything turn out well, it is like a puzzle and all of the pieces fit. The writing was great, the direction too... but the acting was magnificent, Leonardo Dicarpio was amazing! Amazing! He was finally believable as a grown up! Matt Damon was great too; but my favorite was Mark Wahlberg. He was blunt! He was an ass! He was awesome!!

Overall, perfect crime / mafia / cop movie, nice ending... unexpected... I believe in the magic of movie making once again!!

What I am into right now...

Diddy's Press Play Album
Fall TV
La Mala Rodriguez
Fall Weather

The move...

So, like I have said a million times before, my office is moving. It's crazy over here, a whole lot of mess and stupid yellow crates, this is our last week at this location. Luckily, we are off on Friday. I also have a vacation day coming up, on Tuesday 31st, Halloween. I have to take my girls trick or treating, there are gonna be a Princess (Cinderella) and a Pumpkin. I'll post pictures A.S.A.P. so you could see them... Me? I'll wear a tiara, that should be enough, lol.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mi tieto de blog ta' abandonao'!

Entre el trabajo que tengo pendiente, la mudanza de nuestra oficina, la evaluacion personal anual que tengo que someter y mi vida de madre y esposa; no me ha quedado tiempo para dedicarle a mi tieto e' blog!

Si Dios quiere a principio de noviembre todo debe volver a la normalidad.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"A plane has crashed on a building in New York City"
No habian pasado 5 minutos cuando ya toda mi familia me habia llamado para asegurarse que estaba bien.

It's too hard

Me tomo 5 dias para cojer valor, pero ya, es hora de aceptarlo. My beloved Yankees have been eliminated from the playoffs... in the first freaking round! Unbe-fucking-livable!! No one hit, no one pitched, no one played. There was not hearth, there was not hunger to win, there was nothing there. I don't even recognized those people! Where are my 1998 Yankees?? The ones that made miracles happen, the ones tha could be down 3 runs on the 9th inning and you just knew there where gonna come back. Where are they? I don't blamed Joe, I don't blamed Cashman, not even A-Rod, it was a team effort to loss, they just didn't care.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Simple Math...

Saturday = Screwdrivers!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I feel down
I feel worthless today

Monday, October 02, 2006

Fall TV is here!!

Oh boy! oh boy! The fall TV season has started and it is awesome!
My favorite shows are back, Grey's Anatomy of course. It is off the hook and getting better.
Desperate Housewives is back to its awesome self.
Then there is the new shows...
Heroes...freaking awesome.
Studio 60 on the Sunsent Strip... Matthew Perry (Chandler) is on it, all I need to know.
Ugly Betty... Is was laughting my motherfucking ass off
Six Degrees... Pretty interesting
Brothers and Sisters... interesting and powerful.

I want to watch all of this and allow my husband to catch some baseball too.
Life is not easy. I love fall.

It is very hard...

It is very hard to keep a relatioship, a marriage. It takes a long of strength and patience.
Marriage tests your limits in all aspects. It can bend you backwards.
It can take you to the moon or straight to hell.
But then again that's life, those are experiences that we need to endure to feel alive to have lived.
For that I'm happy to say... I'm married.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Estoy aburrida

No estoy en na'. No quiero trabajar, no quiero hacer na'. Solo quiero escuchar musica depresiva o melancolica y pensar. Pensar en ti en mi, en lo que pasa, en lo que somos. Increible como estando tan cerca estemos tan lejos, no te has ido a ningun lado pero no sabes como te extraño.

Estuve viendo una movie en el ipod todo el camino al trabajo y pense en ti, se que te gustaria, es tu tipo de pelicula, quiero compartirla contigo. Estuve mirando un show anoche en T.V. y pense en ti, te hubiese gustado tambien. Escuche un chisme ayer y pense en ti, si tan solo pudiese compartirlo contigo. Te extraño mucho y no hago mas que pensar en ti... I want you back, aunque nunca te has ido.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm tired

I'm tired of this... I'm tired of life.
I'm tired of everything being backwards.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Tiempito que no escribia

He estado bastante ocupada este fin de semana. Tuve por fin el bautismo de mi hija y su fiestesita de cumpleaños. Todo muy bien, como lo planee. En el bautismo Keila estaba de lo mas linda con su vestido blanco, en el cumpleaños los niños estuvieron encantados y se notaba que la pasaban bien, despues nosotros bailamos y gozamos muchisimo tambien. Todo bajo control.

El reguero despues de, fue enorme. Me levante temprano y puse manos a la obra, termine mas rapido de lo que hubiese pensado y sin mucha ayuda ya que mi querido esposo estaba aquejado por los males de la resaca. Ay Chivas Regal tu si haces cosas!!! jejejejejejjejeje.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Too much to do

He estado extra ocupada ultimamente. Aparte de que tengo muchisimo trabajo, mi hija menor cumplio su primer año hace poco y este Sabado 23 la vamos a bautizar y aprovecharemos para hacerle una "bullita". La dichosa "bullita" me esta dando mucho trabajo, ya que no he comprado absolutamente nada y ya hoy es Miercoles. Hoy pase por la tienda y le "heche un ojo" a todo lo que necesito y voy a comprar. Algo asi como "ya yo lo vi y si donde esta, es solo comprarlo", me prometi a mi misma que lo comprare todo mañana. El Lunes pasado le ordene su bizcochito, so that's out of the way.

El Jueves cuando compre todas las cosas empezara la verdadera saga. A preparar fundita a "do' mano", y comenzar a hacer magica en la casa, escondiendo to' "lo motete" que tengo en el medio, para que la gente puedan moverse y maybe hasta dar una bailaita. En eso durare hasta el Viernes. El bautizo es el Sabado a las 2:00 pero muy claro que dijo el padre que quiere que estan alla a las 1:30 "para preparar todo", "a las 2:02 cierro el gate y el que se quedo se quedo" Padre "refunfuñon" ese.

Ese es el Padre Rafael, de acuerdo con lo que dijo no sera el quien haga el bautismo el Sabado, pero fue el quien nos dio las charlas. Eso es lo que se llama una persona que disfruta lo que hace, se le nota el gusto con el que cuenta las historias religiosas, como habla de Cristo Jesus. El esta entregado en cuerpo y alma a el, y se paso la charla sugiriendonos hacer lo mismo. Mi parte favorita fue cuando dijo que hay personas que tienen una pareja por 12 años, tienen 2 o 3 hijos juntos y cuando le preguntan que por que no se han casado por la iglesia contestan "Por la iglesia! Ay pero yo no conozco a ese hombre/mujer para casarme por la iglesia! LMAO.

Bueno, que sigan los preparativos. Hoy no voy a tomar mi hora de lunch para poderme ir una hora mas temprano del trabajo. Quiero ir al salon a ver que hacen con esta pobre infeliz. :-)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A mi que me importa....

Que los Mets ganaron la division anoche ...A mi que me importa (yo soy yankista)
Que Bush va a estar en NY hoy ... A mi que me importa

Monday, September 18, 2006

Not a good day...

On top of it being Monday I am as tired as one can be, I did not get any sleep last night. My youngest daugther, Keila is a little sick. Spent most of the night coughing and crying, poor thing kept her dad and I awake all night. Furthermore, today is not set up to be a good day and to make things worst I have tons of work. Let's see how it goes.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Que dia tan feo!

Hoy es Viernes. El dia esta bastante lluvioso y frio, es el tipo de dia que insita a quedarse acostado, arropao' de pie a cabeza. A beber chocolate de agua con pan, lol. Para salirme de la cama hoy fue casi arrastrada! Y para ducharme fue otro 'show'. No estaba de humor de salir a la calle a luchar con la lluvia, con usa sombrilla que se la llevaba el viento y to' esa vaina. Pero, hubo que hacerlo abligatoriamente.
Siendo afectada por el clima no estoy por trabajar mucho hoy, quiero irme a la casa. Como le comente a mi esposo en el text message que le acabo de mandar, el menu de hoy es screwdrivers! Let the weekend begin!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 13

Today, September 13 my youngest daughter turned 1 year old! It is simply awesome to see how she has become a toddler. From being in my belly, to crawling and now walking it has been an amazing ride. Yes, I already have an almost 4 years old girl but it is definitely different with each kid. You can help it but to feel excited that they have achived such a milestone.
Love you Keila.

P.S. I was off from work today so, woohoooo!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Updated 5G Apple iPod--it's better

At Apple's media event, Steve Jobs jumped right into introducing an updated fifth-generation iPod. Not a tremendous surprise here, as we believed the sixth-generation "true video iPod" would not be announced until later in the year or even early in 2007. But the new "enhanced" iPod looks like a tremendous improvement over the last one, which debuted last October. The iPod has many incremental improvements, including a brighter screen and better battery life, but probably the most appealing aspect is the new price points of $249 for the 30GB version and $349 for the huge 80GB version.

Let's talk about battery life first, since the pre-enhanced iPod has been dogged for its 2-plus hours of video battery life. Now you'll get 75 percent more battery life with both sizes--that means you'll get up to a rated 4.5 hours of video battery life for the 30GB version and up to 6.5 hours for the 80GB. Boosting battery life will always make a product more appealing, and it looks like Apple responsded to all the complaints. Basically, this brings the iPod in line with other players, such as the Creative Zen Vision:M and the Toshiba Gigabeat S, in terms of video battery life. And now you can watch a couple of movies on a plane trip, plus have some extra juice for music and photos.

The new iPod also has a brighter screen--by up to 60 percent. Not that the iPod had a dim screen in the first place, but brighter is always better, especially when it doesn't come at the cost of battery life. Gapless playback is probably one of the most requested features in any MP3 player. Those with dance mixes can now rejoice, and the feature works with virtually all the compatible formats. Previously, the now-defunct Rio Karma had this feature. Today, the Archos 04 series of PVPs has gapless playback. While this should have been added a long time ago, we commend Apple for turning the corner (the new iTunes 7 also has gapless playback).

The iPod's software has been enhanced as well, and these new features definitely make the iPod better. First, you can search tunes using an alphabet-style instant search. OK, we've seen this on Creative and other products for a while, but it's nice that Apple has observed the market and integrated this useful feature. Another "borrowed" feature is that as you scroll through tracks, the first letter of the track section appears as a graphical button overlay. Remind you of the Toshiba Gigabeat S? Finally, Apple has added a refined games section, which includes titles such as Bejeweled, Tetris, Texas Hold 'Em, and Pac-Man. New games will be available online today and will cost $4.99.

Just about every reviewer despises the bundled headphones. So Apple responded and will be shipping better-designed headphones--we can't vouch for their comfort level and performance at this point, but any improvement is appreciated.

So that's it--while the 6G "true video" iPod will still be a figment of the tech world's imagination, the enhanced 5G iPod looks more attractive than ever with its incremental updates. It looks virtually the same, but underneath the hood, you have an iPod that makes the original 5G iPod look very rusty. Pricing is a huge aspect here; the $249 for the 30GB iPod, as far as I know, is the best price for a 30GB player I've ever seen. And for another $100, you get 80GB! Nice job there, Apple. For me personally, the gapless playback and better battery life make the iPod the most attractive one to date.



People suck!

Monday, September 11, 2006

We will never forget

Today is the fifth anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil. Five years ago thousands died when the twin towers were knocked down. I, as every other American can remember perfectly where I was and what was I doing on that day. I pray for all the people who perished on that morning and for their families who's pain and sorrow I cannot begin to imagine.

Let us never forget.

Caramba, caramba llego el Lunes!!

Que Domingo mas bueno el de ayer!
Eso es lo que se llama vida! Lo unico que hice todo el dia fue hacer desayuno y lunch. Despues de eso solo vi T.V., dormi y anduve en la red. Era justo y necesario, esos dias asi son los que me permiten venir a trabajar hoy. Hablando de trabajo, let me get to that!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

El trabajo de una madre nunca termina

Fue solo ayer cuando estaba celebrando la llegada del fin de semana. Y para que? A veces se me olvida que yo tengo hijas, y que por ellas, cuando estoy en la casa trabajo igual o mas que cuando estoy en la oficina. Mis hijas no son faciles, a su corta edad (Karen va a tener 4 en noviembre y Keila va a cumplir 1 el 13 de este mes) ya son maestras en acabar con la paciencia de las personas. Los superpoderes de Karen son hablando. Muchacha que habla, no se cansa de habla de todo y para todo, y cuando le reclamas que se esta portando mal solo te dice "Yo me quiero portar bien". Nunca lo hace. El superpoder de Keila es comer. Esa chamaquita come de todo, como sea, a cualquier hora, ella no puede ver movimiento de un plato o un vaso que ahi va de una vez. Y cuidado si duras mucho para darle, que te pega un solo grito que hay que repararte el oido.

Ese es mi fin de semana, ademas de todos los quehaceres regulares de una casa (fregar, limpiar, cocinar, lavar). Y siempre trato de hacer todas estas cosas los Sabados, para que los Domingos sean mis dias de 'descanso'.

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's finally Friday!!

Good morning!!!
Yes, por fin llego el Viernes! Esta ha sido una semana muy agetreada para mi, a pesar de haber sido corta (el pasado Lunes era Holiday) me siento como si hubiese tenido 15 dias! Pero ya, termino. Le doy la bienvenida al fin de semana!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Need a Friend

I need a friend
Who will be perfect for me
She will listen to all my problems
No matter how dumb they might be

She will like herself for who she is
And will never try to change
She will tell me to be myself
And that I should never ever change

She might be shy on the phone
But she would still call
And we would talk for hours
About nothing at all

We will talk about love and life
About fears and pet peeves
We will ponder on our futures
And predict our destinies

She will listen to me patiently
But never judge what I do or say
She will help with all my problems
And will never go away

I will never feel judged by her
How much that will mean to me
That I could tell her all my dreams
And she would listen to me

My friend will know I love her
Without me having to even speak
She will love me for my virtues
But even more for my defects

My friend will never go and tell
What is dear to me
She will keep it all bottled up inside
And will not spread it like a bee

I will be thankful for that friend of mine
Our friendship will never end
And she will always be there
For she will be my best friend

I need a friend...

Things I am into right now...

1. Putting album art and lyrics on my ipod.
2. Bloggin'
3. Chocolate cake
4. Beyonce's B'day album
5. Oreos

Jueves... Feels like Friday

Today is Thrusday, is payday for me which makes it even worst. That is the torture I go through every other Thrusday, this company puts money on my bank account, makes me believe is mine, makes me believe it's my reward for coming here eveyday, sitting at my desk and being annoyed by people. But then, I go to get some money out and it is all gone! My landlord takes some, the electric company some more, the phone, cellphone, cable, Internet and credit card take the rest. Nothing is left!

Paydays suck!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ohhh... I think I like it

Me puse a joder con esto y creo que me va esta gustando. Me cambie para el Blogger Beta, que tiene muchisimos optiones mas que puedes "customize". Cambie el template, puse unos film strips con fotos mias y de mis nenas, cambie fonts and colors, added links. En fin! Me entretuve muchisimo, pero ya manana sera otro dia!

First post

Encontre un lugar para desahogarme, todo mundo necesita eso. Just a place to lay down ideas, wonder why?, ponder life or just hang out. I hope it entertains you, that way it will serve a double purpose.